Italian Citizenship by Descent: Procedure & Requirements from your Immigration Experts


Italian citizenship by descent, or jure sanguinis, is a process that allows individuals to obtain Italian citizenship if they can prove direct descent from an Italian citizen. This process is based on the principle of “right of blood” (ius sanguinis), rather than “right of the soil” (ius soli).

Moving2Italy’s experienced Immigration Consultants can greatly simplify this process by ensuring that all legal and procedural requirements are met efficiently. Moving2Italy specializes in both immigration and tax services for foreigners that want to move to Italy.

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Requirements for Obtaining Italian Citizenship by Descent

  1. Descent from an Italian Citizen: To qualify, you must prove that you have a direct lineage to an Italian citizen, which means you have an ancestor (such as a grandfather or great-grandfather) who was an Italian citizen at the time the next descendant in the genealogical line was born.
  2. No Interruption in Citizenship Transmission: There must be no interruption in the transmission of Italian citizenship along the genealogical line. This means that none of your ancestors should have renounced their Italian citizenship before the birth of their descendant.
  3. Naturalization of Your Italian Ancestor: If your Italian ancestor became naturalized in another country, acquiring another citizenship, you need to prove that this naturalization occurred after the birth of their child (the next direct descendant). If naturalization occurred before this, the right to Italian citizenship may be interrupted.
  4. Required Documentation: All required documents to prove your descent, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and naturalization records, are required. These documents must be officially translated into Italian and often need to be legalized with an apostille.
  5. An Immigration Consultant from Moving2Italy can assist in gathering and verifying these documents, ensuring they meet all legal requirements.

How to get italian citizenship by descent or jure sanguinis

Gathering Documents:

  • Italian Ancestor’s Birth Certificate: The birth certificate of your Italian ancestor proving their citizenship.
  • Marriage Certificate: If applicable, the marriage certificate of your Italian ancestor.
  • Naturalization Certificate: If your ancestor naturalized in another country, obtain the naturalization certificate or proof that they never naturalized.
  • Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates for Each Descendant: All documents proving the line of descent up to you. In case someone in your hereditary line divorced, the divorce decree or any legal divorce proof must be submitted.

Moving2Italy’s experts can help locate these documents, especially those archived internationally, and ensure they are properly translated and legalized.

Translation and Legalization:

To be accepted by the Italian authorities, documents need to be translated into Italian and may require an apostille. The apostille certifies the authenticity of documents for international use.

Application Submission:

  • In Italy: You can submit your application at the local municipality (comune) if you are already in Italy. An Immigration Consultant from Moving2Italy can represent you in Italy, ensuring that your application is submitted correctly and promptly.
  • Abroad: If you reside abroad, you must submit your application at the Italian consulate responsible for your area. The consulate may have long waiting lists, so it’s advisable to check the waiting times and prepare accordingly.

Verification Process:

Italian authorities will verify the validity and authenticity of the documents submitted. This process can take several months or even years, depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the consulate or municipality.

Moving2Italy’s Immigration Experts can monitor the progress of your application, provide updates, and address any issues that arise during the verification process.

Obtaining Citizenship:

Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will be issued a citizenship certificate, and you will officially become an Italian citizen. At this point, you can apply for an Italian ID card and passport.

Building a Relationship with Your Immigration Consultant

Establishing an effective relationship with an Immigration Consultant is crucial to ensuring that the process of obtaining Italian citizenship or handling other immigration matters goes smoothly and without complications. Here’s how to do it:

1. Initial Contact: Book a first consultation

  • Be Prepared: When you first contact the consultant, be ready with a clear description of your case and the goals you want to achieve.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Pose specific questions about the process, timelines, and required documents. This will help you better understand what to expect and assess the consultant’s competence.

2. Open and Honest Communication

  • Share All Relevant Details: Provide all relevant information about your case. Transparent communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings or delays.
  • Request Regular Updates: Establish a clear communication channel for receiving regular updates on the status of your case. Be clear about your expectations regarding communication.

3. Active Collaboration

  • Meet Deadlines: Ensure you provide the requested documents and respond promptly to the consultant’s requests to avoid delays in the process.
  • Maintain Trust and Professionalism: Keep a professional and trusting relationship. If any doubts or concerns arise, discuss them openly with the consultant.
  • Provide Feedback: At the end of the process, give feedback on the service received. This not only helps the consultant improve but also gives you a chance to reflect on the relationship you’ve built.
  • Build a Long-Term Relationship: If the process has been successful, consider maintaining contact with the consultant for future immigration or tax needs.

4. Recognizing the Limits

  • Understand the Consultant’s Role: An Immigration Consultant can provide expert assistance and guide you through the process, but it’s important to remember that some final decisions rest with government authorities. Recognizing this can help manage expectations and maintain a positive relationship.

Using the services of an Immigration Consultant from Moving2Italy throughout this process can make your journey to obtaining Italian citizenship smoother and less burdensome, ensuring that each step is handled professionally and efficiently. Additionally, Moving2Italy offers comprehensive tax services for foreigners, making it easier to navigate both the immigration and financial aspects of settling in Italy.

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