Italian Citizenship Assistance

Italian Citizenship Assistance: Eligibility, Application Process, and Legal Support

For individuals looking to connect with their Italian heritage, establish a new life, or pursue opportunities in Italy, it is essential for understanding the Italian citizenship application process, the various visa options, and the available tax incentives. This guide covers everything you need to know about becoming an Italian citizen, the different visa options available, and the new tax benefits for highly qualified foreign workers with a degree.

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Italian citizenship grants you the same rights and benefits as if you were born in Italy. Moreover, Italy allows dual citizenship, meaning you can simultaneously hold two passports and enjoy the benefits of living and working anywhere in the European Union (EU). As an Italian citizen, you gain access to:

  • Visa-free Schengen countries in the EU
  • Italian Healthcare System
  • Study in EU Universities
  • Favorable Tax Regimes

Whether you are pursuing Italian citizenship by descent, marriage, or residency, these benefits make the process worthwhile.

Italian Citizenship: Are You Eligible?

Before starting your journey, it’s crucial to determine your Italian citizenship eligibility. Italy offers several pathways to citizenship, each with specific requirements:

  1. Italian Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis): If you have Italian ancestors, you may be eligible for citizenship. The key is proving that your Italian lineage has not been broken through generations.
  2. Italian Citizenship by Marriage: Spouses of Italian citizens can apply for citizenship after a certain period of marriage if the residency and language requirements are met.
  3. Italian Citizenship by Residency: Foreign nationals who have legally resided in Italy for a specific period can apply for citizenship. The duration varies depending on your country of origin and other factors. 

Understanding these eligibility requirements is the first step in successfully navigating the process. Each pathway has distinct Italian citizenship requirements, such as providing proof of lineage, marriage certificates, or demonstrating continuous residency in Italy.

The Italian Citizenship Application Process

After confirming your eligibility, the next step is understanding how to apply for Italian citizenship. The process generally involves the following steps:

  1. Documents Collection: Gather necessary documents such as birth, marriage, and death certificates of your Italian ancestors. These need to be translated into Italian and may require an Apostille for international validity.
  2. Filing the Application: Submit your application to the relevant Italian authority, whether it is an Italian consulate abroad or a local municipality (comune) in Italy if applying by residency.
  3. Appointment with the Italian Consulate: An appointment with the Italian consulate is usually required to submit your documents. Due to high demand, it is advisable to schedule this well in advance.
  4. Processing Time: The Italian citizenship timeline can vary significantly based on the type of application and the consulate or municipality’s workload. It can take several months to a few years.

Given the complexity of the Italian citizenship application process, many applicants seek legal assistance for Italian citizenship. A highly experienced Italian citizenship lawyer, in collaboration with Moving2Italy’s immigration consultants, can guide you through the legal intricacies, ensure that your documentation is in place and help you navigate local bureaucratic challenges.

In addition to the application process’ assistance, Moving2Italy can help you with the procurement of vital records from both Italy and abroad, legalization, and documents’ translation, making sure that every step is handled efficiently. Whether you are applying for Italian citizenship by descent, by marriage, or by residency, our tailored services will meet your specific needs and circumstances.

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After some negative experiences with other services, I tried Moving2Italy and I must say that I was very happy with it. It is very easy to book and I found the consultant very knowledgeable and available to clarify all my doubts. Definitely recommended

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I tried the half-hour consultation with an international tax expert. The professional proved to be very prepared, punctual and answered about ten questions dedicated to the table in relation to a possibility of returning to Italy. Recommended for me

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Any doubts? Book a consultation with a specialized italian immigration advisor.

Understanding Visa Types for Italy

Understanding the different types of visas Italy offers is essential if you are not eligible for citizenship or planning to legally live and reside there. Here is a list of the most common visa categories:

  • Tourist Visa: Allows you to visit Italy for up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism purposes.
  • Business Visa: Designed for individuals visiting Italy for business purposes such as meetings, conferences, or trade events.
  • Student Visa: Issued to foreign students enrolled in educational programs in Italy, from language courses to university degrees.
  • Work Visa: For those with a job offer in Italy. There are various categories depending on the nature of the employment (e.g., subordinate work, self-employment).
  • Family Reunification Visa: Granted to close relatives (spouse, children, parents) of Italian citizens or legally resident foreigners in Italy.
  • Elective Residence Visa: For individuals who can financially support themselves without working and wish to reside in Italy for lifestyle or retirement purposes.
  • Medical Treatment Visa: For those who need to receive medical treatment in Italy.
  • Religious Visa: Issued to individuals coming to Italy for religious reasons, such as missionaries or clergy members.
  • Scientific Research Visa: Granted to researchers who will conduct scientific research in Italy at universities, research institutes, or companies.
  • Investor Visa (Golden Visa): For non-EU citizens who choose to invest in strategic assets for Italy’s economy and society (government bonds, start ups, philanthropic initiatives, Italian limited companies etc). This visa is also known as the “Golden Visa.”
  • Startup Visa: Designed for entrepreneurs planning to launch an innovative startup in Italy.
  • Volunteer Visa: Issued to those participating in volunteer programs in Italy, typically through non-governmental organizations.
  • Humanitarian Visa: Granted in exceptional circumstances for humanitarian reasons, often linked to international emergencies or asylum requests.
  • Digital Nomad Visa: This visa is for remote workers who wish to live in Italy while continuing to work for companies abroad or as freelancers. It is designed for those whose jobs do not require a fixed location.

Each visa type comes with specific requirements, restrictions and procedures, so it is essential to choose the one that best fits your situation. Understanding the correct visa option is key to a successful stay in Italy, and Moving2Italy’s immigration consultants can assist you in choosing the correct path.

Tax Incentives for Highly Qualified Italian Foreign Workers

Starting from the 2024 tax year, Italy has introduced a new regime of tax incentives for highly qualified foreign workers who transfer their tax residence to Italy. These incentives are designed to attract talented professionals, particularly those with a university degree, who can contribute to Italy’s economy and innovation sectors.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Residency: You must transfer your tax residence to Italy and commit to staying for a minimum of 4 years.
  • Non-residency in Italy: You must not have been a tax resident in Italy during the 3 years prior to your transfer.
  • Employment in Italy: Your work must be carried out predominantly in Italy during the tax year.
  • Qualifications: You must possess a university degree and demonstrate high qualifications or specialization in your field.


  • Reduced Taxation: 50% of your employment or self-employment income will be excluded from taxation, up to an annual income limit of €600,000.
  • Duration: The tax incentive is available for 5 years, starting from the year you transfer your residence to Italy.

This incentive program does not extend to business income and is specifically targeted at salaried and self-employed professionals with advanced qualifications. Moving2Italy’s Italian tax consultants can help you navigate the application process for these tax incentives, ensuring you maximize the benefits available to you.

Why Choose Moving2Italy?

At Moving2Italy, our goal is to help you achieve your dream of becoming an Italian citizen. With Italian citizenship; you can live in Italy just as any other Italian citizen, you can even choose to live and work legally anywhere else in the European Union (EU), enjoying all the associated benefits such as high-quality healthcare, low-cost education, and much more.

Our years of experience and in-depth knowledge of Italian citizenship and immigration law have enabled us to deliver excellent results and help our clients successfully achieve their dream of becoming Italian citizens.

Whether you are pursuing Italian citizenship by descent, marriage, or residency, exploring the various visa options to live in Italy, or considering the new tax incentives for highly qualified workers, being well-informed about the processes and requirements is crucial. With the assistance of Moving2Italy’s immigration and tax consultants, your dream of living and working in Italy can become a reality.

Our services

Managing your relocation to Italy is often stressful. Moving2Italy wants to help you by offering a simple and effective online service. Thanks to our experts who will follow you step by step, you will be guaranteed to obtain all the tax benefits to which you are entitled.

Italian Tax Advisor Consultancy

Thirty-minute tailored consultation with a specialized Italian Tax Advisor

Fiscal relocation package for employed workers

Package designed for employed workers who are moving to Italy and wish to take advantage of the incentives.

Fiscal relocation package for self-employed workers

Package designed for self employed workers who are moving to Italy and wish to take advantage of the incentives.

VAT Number opening for self employed workers (ADE and INPS)

If you need to open a VAT position upon your relocation to Italy, this is the right solution for you. It doesn't include consultation on meeting the requirements to access the tax benefits.

VAT Number opening for individual company (ADE and INPS and CCIAA)

If in addition to managing your relocation to Italy, you need to open a sole proprietorship, this is the plan for you. Excludes consultation on meeting the requirements to access tax benefits.

Tax Ruling with Italian Revenue Agency

If you have a specific question that needs to be asked to the Italian Revenue Agency